
Who am I?

Greetings! I'm Bryan and I enjoy the science and art of personal development. I am a financial planner. I am also blessed with a beautiful, intelligent, and loving wife and two awesome children. Besides my work and family life, I enjoy martial arts, reading, public speaking, and writing.

Why Your Bryan Castro?

At some point in the last few years, I started to change my usernames and handles on e-mail or social media from things like @backrankbrawler (my chess handle) and kidlat121 (kidlat was my martial arts nickname) to my own name for professional reasons. However, there seem to be quite a few Bryan Castros out there, and I wanted to avoid @bryancastro157 on Twitter, so I had to come up with a name.

I wanted it to be catchy as well as meaningful. One of my values is to serve others in everything I do - influenced by my Christian faith as well as my parents. Also, one of my goals in life is to help other people to become better versions of themselves. Therefore, @YourBryanCastro was born on Twitter - as in Yours Truly or Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours! This blog is about sharing things that I have found helpful to serve others, so Your Bryan Castro seemed a natural expansion of the concept.

What You'll Find Here...

In this blog, I hope to share what I've learned along the way in the field of personal development (I won't be discussing financial planning, although I feel the better you become through personal development, your finances will improve as well). If you are interested in my financial planning services,  you can visit mollot.com. I am not an expert in personal development. However, I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and have used principles and techniques of personal development to learn from these mistakes and improve myself. A lot of what I'll be sharing is not new - wisdom is often known, but not practiced. Perhaps my own perspective and experiences will resonate with you, and inspire you to try some of these ideas in your life. I'm on my own journey of improving myself and hopefully the lessons I've learned and continue to learn will help you on your journey.