
On this page, I will share books, videos, software, and other resources that I have found helpful. I'll give you a brief description here, but I'll often mention them in the context of a concept or article.

Full Disclosure: On some of the items I mention, such as the books, I can earn a commission if you purchase them from the link given here. However, I only recommend resources I have used myself and am proud to recommend.


I love books! Especially books about personal development and growth. Here is the highlights from my personal library.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey. The seven habits are logical and powerful. The more I learn about building character, leadership, communication, and personal development, the more it comes down to living the 7 habits. This book is a classic and its wisdom is timeless.

The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness by Jeff Olsen. The Slight Edge teaches that consistent simple habits can build up and compound into massive achievement. This book helped me to think big and to start small. I recommend this book if you have big dreams but don't know where to start.

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley. Dr. Stanley interviews hundreds of millionaires and summarizes their behaviors, values, and thought processes. This book is particularly helpful if you have a misperception that wealthy people mainly consist of CEO's of large companies, Professional Athletes, or Celebrities. By adopting some of the beliefs and behaviors of these millionaires, you may find yourself on the road to your own fortune, not to mention fulfillment and happiness.


The Challenge to Succeed by Jim Rohn. This is a recording of a seminar Mr. Rohn gave. It covers a lot of ground, including understanding the importance of personal development, understanding and controlling our emotions, taking action, goal setting, and much more. I listen to this several times a year and I pick up new nuggets of wisdom each time. Besides the knowledge he shares, Mr. Rohn is a brilliant public speaker and anyone who speaks publicly would do well to study his communication methods.


Toastmasters International ( is an organization that helps develop members into leaders and effective communicators. I have been a member and it has done wonders for my communications with my family, clients, and audiences. The leadership program has taught me to inspire, organize, and facilitate the various groups I belong to. They have a club almost anywhere in the world. I believe it is one of the most economical and effective personal development programs you can invest your time and money in.